Implementation Plan

Implementation Outline

  • Phase I
    1. January to May
      1. Computer programming
        1. Continue to incorporate coding with other subjects
        2. Also, do a full 45 min coding lesson on Fridays
          1. Even on the Fridays that I do not have iPads
            1. Use iPad cart if it is taken have students analyze other codes or some type of vocabulary exercise on personal iPad
        3. Give biweekly coding assessments to see how much students are retaining.
        4. Meet with Principal monthly to go over the following
          1. Time on Computers
          2. Lesson Plans for Coding
          3. Retaining Data
        5. Meet with Mrs. Rasberry abd Dr. Bostic at the end of the year to go over the same data from the meetings with the principal.
        6. Survey parents around March or April to see if students would be interested to be in a coding class throughout school year.
          1. The school will host an informational before the end of the year to let parents know about the coding program.
      2. 1:1
        1. My classroom will be 1:1 for the weeks that I do have the cart.
          1. Weeks I don’t put in request for cart
          2. Keep Data on how much students are using the iPads.
  • Phase II 
    1. June to August
      1. Computer Programming
        1. Have a teacher chosen to integrate apple programs in classroom and teach coding for fourth grade and second grade
          1. These teachers will be responsible for helping with camp as well.
        2. Chosen computer programming teachers will attend trainings
          1. Trainings will cover apple apps used to help integrate and teach swift. 
            1. Keynote, Clips, Swift Playgrounds, et
            2. The teachers will get training on Everyone can code curriculum.
          2. Past teachers can give additional trainings and support
          3. Meetings with other coding teachers to collaborate ideas and provide additional support for new coding teachers.
            1. Teachers will also have a chance to see an alignment of how the district is doing in general with coding across grade levels
        3. Host another Coding Camp for the kids second grade and up.
          1. We will make the camp annual. 
        4. Teachers will write lesson plans for coding and integrate coding activities in their lesson plans.
      2. 1:1
        1. Math and Science teachers for third grade will receive iPad carts. 
          1. They will use this to get students more familiar with technology.
          2. Trainings will be available for apps they can use in the classroom.
        2. The fourth grade and second grade coding classrooms will receive an iPad Cart.  
          1. They also will receive an apple TV to help project the iPad on the screen.
  • Phase III
    1. August 2020 to May 2021
      1. Computer Programming Class
        1. Teachers will be teaching a full 45 minute coding class at least one day each week.  
        2. They will collect data to share in meetings.
        3. Teachers will continue to meet with principal to check in.
          1. They will bring data, lesson evidence, and assessment results.
        4. Teachers will plan lessons and activities using the material they learned from trainings.
        5. They will be required to do a technology project.
      2. 1:1
        1. Math and Science teachers will provide evidence of students using iPads in classrooms.
  • Phase IV
    1. June 2021- May 2022
      1. Computer  Programming 
        1. Now we will expand it to fifth grade and first grade. 
        2. Choose teachers to teach fifth grade and first grade coding class. 
          1. Teachers will receive the same trainings as the previous teachers.
          2. They will help with coding camp
        3. Chosen computer programming teachers will attend trainings
          1. Trainings will cover apple apps used to help integrate and teach swift. 
            1. Keynote, Clips, Swift Playgrounds, et
            2. The teachers will get training on Everyone can code curriculum.
          2. Past teachers can give additional trainings and support
          3. Meetings with other coding teachers to collaborate ideas and provide additional support for new coding teachers.
            1. Teachers will also have a chance to see an alignment of how the district is doing in general with coding across grade levels
        4. Host another Coding Camp for the kids first grade and up.
        5. Teachers will write lesson plans for coding and integrate coding activities in their lesson plans.
        6. Teachers will be teaching a full 45 minute coding class at least one day each week.  
        7. They will collect data to share in meetings.
        8. Teachers will continue to meet with principal to check in.
          1. They will bring data, lesson evidence, and assessment results.
        9. Teachers will plan lessons and activities using the material they learned from trainings.
        10. They will be required to do a technology project.
      2. 1:1
        1. Math and Science teachers for fourth and second grade will receive iPad carts. 
          1. They will use this to get students more familiar with technology.
          2. Trainings will be available for apps they can use in the classroom.
        2. The fifth grade and first grade coding classrooms will receive an iPad Cart.  
          1. They also will receive an apple TV to help project the iPad on the screen.
        3. Math and Science teachers will provide evidence of students using iPads in classrooms.

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